On April, 23rd the Book Day is celebrated. Why is this day so important? Do you like reading?How many books do you read a year? Have you ever read Shakespeare? Have you ever seen any of his plays in a film? Here we're going to find out more data about the most important English writer of all times:
Shakespeare's biograhy
Shakespeare's films
The Globe
1. When and where was he born?
2. What was his father's name?
3. How many plays did he write? Name 5 tragedies, 5 comedies and 5 histories.
4. Apart from being a playwright, what else did Shakespeare do?
5. Who were the monarchs in the years Shakespeare lived?
6. How many sonnets did he write?
7. How old was Shakespeare when he got married?
8. When was The Globe built? Where is it?
9. How many films of Hamlet are there?
10. When did he die?
When you finish you can try this quiz to check your knowledge
Have a look at Hamlet's most famous monologue; "To be or not to be"
This idea has been modified from http://www.isabelperez.com/