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24 de agosto de 2008


The end of the Olympic Games has arrived. I hope you have enjoyed as mush as I did. Probably these will be the first ones you remember, so keep it in your memory and in your heart.

I have enjoyed all the sports, but basketball has been the best. If you watched the game today, you have watched the best game ever! A pity Spain couldn't make it.

So the balance is good, 18 medals for Spain and the winners in the medal ranking: 1st China, 2nd USA and 3rd Russia. Spain ended in the 14th position, not bad.

Try to enjoy the last days of August, go swimming, cycling, play computer games and have fun. Remember after that school is round the corner. And get ready for a new course.

12 de agosto de 2008


After our "Olympic games" at the end of the course, we have now the REAL THING. From August 8th to 24th we will see the best sports celebration. More than 4.000 million people will follow this event.

And, which is your favourite sport? Mine? I think you all know, BASKETBALL. I hope you enjoyed the game today aginst China and tomorrow the girls will try to beat the Czech Republic, although it is a very hard team.

So, my recommendation is that you don't lose track (perderse) of any of the sports (all of them are interesting) and try to learn more about the sports, teams and athletes in Beijing 2008.

Answer these questions if you dare (si te atreves)!
1. How many sports are there?
2. Which are the three countries with more medals? Which is the Spanish position in the ranking?
3. Go to athletes and find your favourite one, write down all the important data: date of birth, height and weight.
4. Have a look at the map of the Olympic games and find out where they play each sport.
5. Find out more about the Olympic mascots and write down its colours and characteristics.