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23 de enero de 2009


This unit we're studying the differences between British and American English. Although the one we study in class is British, it's always interesting learning American English. This way you won't have embarrasing moments if you ever visit the USA!

Can you think of any embarrasing moments you could have saying these words in the USA or in the UK: pants, football, chips, toilet, torch and dustbin, . For an extra point make sentences with the words given and the correspondent in British or American English. (After each sentence write "Am" for American Englihs and "Br" for British English.

If you even want to learn more please, visit these websites:

Wikipedia: full of differences and information!

If you dare try this VOCABULARY GAME!

To check if you spell properly, visit this website about SPELLING.


3 de enero de 2009


People all around the world make a list of things they want to do or change in the new year coming, they are called NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS (propósitos de año nuevo). Some of the most famous are: spend more time with my family, go to the gym, start a diet, help others and so on. But, what are your resolutions? Write them in a post or in your notebook for an extra point. Write your resolutions and say why you want to change or start doing that, write 50 words minimum.