Welcome! Here you'll find a place to help you improve your English with games, extension activities, videos and much more! Enjoy!

27 de octubre de 2010


Watch the classic horror film trailer and comment with your partner:

22 de octubre de 2010


Answer these questions in your notebook after having a look at HOMES AND GARDENS (you don't need to copy the questions, just write the numbers and answer. For the heading write BLOG ACTIVITY):

1. Go to BEDROOMS and click through the various rooms and decide which one you like best. Use four adjectives minimum to describe your choice.

2. Go to READER'S HOMES and look at the Classical Houses and Contemporary Houses.
- What do you prefer?
- Describe one of each and say the one you prefer.

- Choose one of the lives that interests you most.
- Read the description of the person’s life and write down their name, occupation and reason for pursuing this lifestyle.

4. Go to HOMES and try to find your ideal home. Write a description in the notebook (50 - 60 words).

7 de octubre de 2010


Find the information in the links below and answer to the following questions in your notebook (copy the question).

  1. What type of TV show is it?

  2. Where is it broadcast?

  3. Does it have any awards? Mention some.

  4. Do we have the same/similar show in Spain? Mention it.

  5. Which one do you prefer? Write a short paragraph giving reasons (40 - 50 words).

2 de octubre de 2010

UNIT 1 (ESO 4)

Copy the chart into your notebook, take notes while watching the trailers about different relationships and then comment with your partner.