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17 de marzo de 2009


After watching the play find out more information about Broadway in New York city. Copy and answer the following questions in your notebook for an extra mark (or just do it for fun!).

  1. How much money did they earn in tickets last season (2007-2008)?
  2. Which kind of plays did they present in the first theatre in New York?
  3. Which was the first musical?
  4. When can you go to the theatre nowadays? (Indicate days and time)
  5. The theatre has awards as the cinema, what is the name of these awards?
  6. How many plays can you watch today?
  7. Where can you watch "Mamma Mia!?
  8. Which are the three longest-running shows? (las obras más vistas)
I hope you enjoyed the show and if you ever have the chance go to Broadway, watch a play!

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