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30 de junio de 2008


Yesterday the Spanish football team finally made it and won against Germany. It was a very exciting and emotional match.

To learn more and practice your English go to Euro2008 and answer these questions (To do so, on the right, you will find four links: matches, teams, players and statistics. Click on each of them to look for the specific information):
  1. Who was the MVP in the Final?
  2. Who is Germany's number 16 and when and where was he born?
  3. Who is Spain's number 4 and when and where was he born?
  4. Who are the coaches (entrenadores)?
  5. Who is the tallest player in the Euro2008? How tall is he?
  6. Which were the four teams in Semifinals?
  7. Which countries scored (marcaron) more goals? (Name 3).
  8. Who is the top scorer (máximo goleador)?
  9. Which were the four countries in group D?
  10. Name at least 4 official sponsors (patrocinadores) of the Euro2008?

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