We have finally finished school this year. Only some of you still have to take retake tests this week and then you have two and a half months to rest and have fun (in my case I still have to work a bit more...). It's been a hard year (my first at this school) but I think it's been a good one. We have all learned something and I hope you don't forget some of our classmates that will not continue here: Konstantina, Elisabet and Kostas are going back to Greece. I'm sure they're happy and at the same time sad to leave Spain behind. Also, Amador and Javier will change school. So, good luck for everyone and I hope you keep in touch.
My advice for the summer is to rest and at the same time don't forget your English. You can continue visiting my blog and try the activities I'll post and also practice with the on-line games you can find here. To do so, click on the "Other interesting sites" section and choose the one you prefer, you can find plenty of games and exercises here.
Keep visiting and post messages if you like. Good luck and see you in September!!!
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